Probabilmente già conosci il nuovo MicroStation CONNECT Edition, ma quali sono le novità introdotte negli aggiornamenti successivi?
Ogni tre mesi Microstation viene aggiornato con nuove funzionalità e miglioramenti. Tieniti sempre aggiornato per non perdere la novità che stavi aspettando. Analizzando le preferenze degli utenti della CONNECT Edition, abbiamo scoperto quali nuove funzionalità sono più popolari: *Text Favorites*Issue resolution service*Mappe di sfondo Bing*Reality Mesh*CONNECT Advisor*Miglioramenti nella gestione delle Mesh
If you are an AutoCAD user, you should know, you have a better choice when it comes to drafting and modeling software. Choose from these great upcoming webinars to discover how you can advance your productivity with innovative capabilities that will put you a step ahead of your competitors.
You Have a Better Choice webinar series
September 27, 2019
Discover Better 3D Modeling Workflows

Eliminate re-work and lost time required to re-create designs because of major design changes. With more flexible parametric modeling capabilities, you can adapt, rather than re-create models with the ability to:
- Create better models quickly, with software that makes it easy to rapidly progress from design intent to completed models
- Use parametric constraint-driven design capabilities, that enable you to maintain persistent relationships between elements
October 09, 2019
Incorporate Better Real-World Context for Designs

Learn how MicroStation’s ability to easily incorporate and precisely locate reality modeling data like geospatial raster imagery, point clouds, and reality meshes can accelerate your 2D and 3D design development workflows and reduce the number trips made to the site to capture accurate measurements.
October 28, 2019
Achieve Better Return on Your Investment in Design Software

Learn how AutoCAD users can benefit from an investment in MicroStation. Discover how MicroStation’s wide variety of unique technical capabilities and affordable commercial offerings enable you to:
- Preserve your investment in software
- Better position yourself to win future business
- Diversify software/skills investment to reduce risk
- Advance into 3D and BIM workflows more easily
- Improve organization-wide productivity
November 06, 2019
Benefit from Better Interoperability

The design world we work in requires homogeneous data, but by definition the vast amounts of data types we work with are varied and complex. MicroStation provides robust referencing capabilities and native file format support that makes it possible to easily assemble DWGs, DGNs, and hundreds of vector, raster and reality modeling file formats like point clouds and reality meshes.Discover how MicroStation enables you to access and share data in the required formats to improve collaboration with your entire extended project team.
December 05, 2019
Realize Better Productivity with BIM-ready Workflows in CAD

Get all the advantages of BIM without the need to change your existing CAD workflows:
- Speed annotation leveraging embedded property data
- Automatically populate quantities reports onto sheets
- Leverage data-driven comprehensive BIM models to automate the creation and sharing of project deliverables such as drawing sheets